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If your password to College Rules members area is inactive or blocked go to and buy full membership access. It is cheaper than you think!
Working free premium account to! College Rules is an amateur group sex site that relies on submissions from genuine hardcore college parties. And I gotta tell you, these dorm room hijinks the stunts pulled off in Animal House look mild by comparison. Let’s face it, when you move away from home, the sense of freedom sometimes makes you go completely nuts.
If your password to College Rules members area is inactive or blocked go to and buy full membership access. It is cheaper than you think!
Do you want 100% free password to!
If your password to College Rules members area is inactive or blocked go to and buy full membership access. It is cheaper than you think!
We give away active premium accounts to membership! College Rules is any decent parent’s nightmare. The site runs exclusively off of user-submitted content, and they even give a prize each week for the wildest, hottest video. The tour page is filled with über provocative imagery, giving you a rare inside look at all the fucking and sucking going on at your local university. And I gotta tell you, these dorm room hijinks the stunts pulled off in Animal House look mild by comparison.
If your password to College Rules members area is inactive or blocked go to and buy full membership access. It is cheaper than you think!